8th July 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the 12th Annual General Meeting of Malaysian Interior Industry Partners Association will be held on Friday, 22 July 2022, 4.30pm at The Lounge@69 (Level 69), Star Residences, Kuala Lumpur.
1.To confirm the minutes of the 11th Annual General Meeting.
2.To receive the Secretary’s Report for year 2021.
3.To receive and approve the Treasurer’s Report and the audited accounts for year 2021.
4.To propose changes for Constitution.
a. Add on Clause 4 - Membership
No.3. Associate Members
Associate Membership is an organization, company or firm whose business is not directly related to the interior built environment industry. Examples of such companies are insurance companies, human resources recruitment agencies, service providers, lawyers, and educational institutions etc.; Associate members are not entitled to voting rights at General Meetings or any other meetings held by the Association.
b. Add on Clause 6 – Source of Income
No.2. The registration fee and subscription payable by each Associate Member shall be as follows:-
Registration fee.
RM1,000.00 (Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand)
Annual Subscription
RM1,500.00 (Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand Five Hundred)
c. Add on Clause 8 - Committee
No.15. Honorary President
The Honorary President is presented to outstanding Past Presidents of the Association. The Honorary President shall act as an advisor to the EXCO. The appointment of the Honorary President shall be recommended by the EXCO and shall not possess voting rights at EXCO Meetings.
d. Change on Clause 10 - Financial Provision
No.6. No expenditure exceeding RM10,000 (Ringgit Malaysia Ten Thousand) at any one time shall be incurred without the prior sanction of a general meeting. Expenditure less than RM10,000 (Ringgit Malaysia Ten Thousand) at any one time may be incurred by the President, together with the Secretary or the Treasurer.
No.6. The Treasurer shall be authorised to expend up to RM10,000.00 per transaction on behalf of the Association with approval from 3 signatories, namely, the President, Vice President, and the Honorary Secretary. To expend an amount exceeding RM10,000.00, a simple majority vote of approval from the EXCO shall be sought and minuted during the EXCO meeting.
5.To transact any other business of which ten days’ notice shall have given in writing to the Secretary.
You may download the Documents for your references:
- Annual General Meeting Minutes 2021
- Audited Financial Report Year Ending 2021
- Secretary Report